Lords Blood Bank

Ease of access and disposal of blood for your needs

About Us

We embrace in meeting the needs of fellow beings in their hospital emergencies. Bridging the way between the donor and recepient we show excellence, saftey and timely delivery. Proud to announce that we are the part of founders team of kanyakumari district's first blood bank. Lords blood bank started by September 12, 2008 and runs with well experienced doctors and technical team. We are here to serve our best..

Our Products

Your single donation of 450 ml blood is separated into different components, benefiting as many as three patients.

Blood is made up of different components and, invariably, a patient needs a transfusion of just a particular component. Utilizing whole blood is wasteful, and sometimes even undesirable. It is now the standard practice of all modern blood banks to separate blood into components and ensure the optimum utilization of this precious resource.

Platelets are used to help clot the blood and seal wounds in surgical and cancer patients. Leukaemia and chemotherapy treatments can reduce a patient’s platelet count. They are needed in cases of bleeding due to severe thrombocytopenia and prophylactic therapy.

The majority of donated blood goes to people with cancer, as well as people who have suffered traumatic accidents, burns or who undergo surgery.

Plasma contains very important proteins, nutrients and clotting factors which help to prevent and stop bleeding. It is required in bleeding patients with coagulation deficiency problems secondary to liver disease, disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, Factor V or Factor IX deficiency.



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Thanks for your support to all medicos and people of our district for this golden opportunity